Student agency and Experience
Our school design model is based on 4 pillars to prepare students for their futures:
Aligned Curricula: TEKS and College, Career, and Military Readiness
Experiential Deeper Learning with Personalized Pathways
Culture of Growth and Integration of Social-Emotional Skills and 7 Cs
Active Engaged Learning
Experiential Deeper Learning with Personalized Pathways
Public School Partners will create a community-designed, personalized learning framework founded in instructional best practices that clearly define protocols for rigor and high-quality instruction to meet the needs of all students. Our educators will learn to design active learning experiences and scaffold the standards to meet students where they are and develop a personalized pathway to master content and student outcomes. Resources and assessments are aligned to the standards for a competency-based learning approach to create experiences that are engaging, culturally relevant, and ignite personal interests and passion for learning.
Active Engaged Learning
Today’s workforce skills require the ability to acquire knowledge, and the ability to apply learnings to new situations. Students retain more information when they are actively applying knowledge. To practice the 7C skills needed for today’s workforce, students need to participate in learning experiences that are intentionally designed to make connections between their academic assignments aligned to the state standards and the life-ready skills. needed for their futures. Teachers will be trained to design and execute lessons that allow students the ability to practice the 7 C’s all while mastering content.
Culture of Growth and Integration of Social and Emotional Skills and 7 C’s
Students will demonstrate mastery of skills and competencies through complex assignments and projects that will force students to use multiple skills simultaneously. Assessments determine knowledge of content and to what level they can apply it. Through complex tasks and projects, students demonstrate social-emotional skills in getting along with others and how others impact their actions. With practice, students will show awareness relative to intrapersonal well-being.
All obstacles are growth opportunities. Qualitative and quantitative data sources provide measures of student and educator needs. Participating in continuous growth cycles ensures that everyone is consistently making progress through artifact analysis and goal setting.